Sunday 15 November 2009

Right. Cool. So,
Right. Okay.

My intention of click clacking away here initially, this fine evening was to have a gigantic self pity session where I moaned about having no motivation, and how rubbish everything is, and it's horrible being so poor and single and having loads of course work to do, and how I hated using this as a diary rather than trying to write short stories because that's what I intended, but NO!
Enough is enough. Big deal. I'm in a rut. Big deal. Who gives a fuck?

BIIIIIIIG DEAAL. It doesn't matter.

And a lot of things are good. So, veering away yet again from my intended use of this blog. Here's some good things, to cheer myself up and get me motivated for my dissertation.


-I have my health
- I have my hair
- I am young
- I have food
- I have water
- I have warmth and a house
- My family are still kicking about
- Best friend who may as well be my wife
- A group of friends who've been kicking about with me for nearly 5 years
- Lots of clothes
- My room
- Music
- Sky box
- Still in full time education, and I'm doing alright in school.
- I have shoes
- I have a working noggin.
- I've developed a new love for Stella Atrios
- I still have feeeeeeeelings
- I'm liked, despite the situation.
- Still got all my limbs.

Just need someone to kick me up the arse every so often, that's all.

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